Monday, August 12, 2019

Plain Old Water

Water. Sometimes you get just what you need: a plain old glass of water, it meets your need and takes care of your thirst. This week was a plain old water kind of week.

We got the call that surgery will happen on Wednesday for #2, and we are praying for a lot of plain old water.
            Praying that only one tooth will have to be removed to clear the tumor.
            Praying that there will be no residual nerve damage.
            Praying that he will feel fairly good and ready to go by move-in day                          August 24.

Now about water, have I mentioned that I really don't like plain water?  I am more of a sparkling, flavored, Topo Chico kind of gal.  So plain water isn't my first choice, but that is my first world problem.

Speaking of first world problems, DH (dear husband) and #1 are in Honduras right now dealing with a third world problem: plain old water.

They will be joining a group of guys and IMPACT Water to bring fresh, clean, plain old water (along with Living Water) to a village in a remote part of Honduras. They will be assisting with installing a filtration and piping system to bring clean water into a village that has never known something we take for granted every day-- the ability to get water whenever you want it.

So, if you wouldn't mind, if you are praying for #2,  please also pray that DH and #1 will have a safe, healthy and rewarding time in Honduras.

OH, and just to stay with the theme, plain old water spilling out from the cabinet under your kitchen sink will make your day interesting.  The day DH landed in Tegucigalpa is the day my kitchen faucet decided to break.

Plain water, leaking water, Living Water: Stay thirsty my friends.


* I wrote this post a while back and never shared it.  I find it particularly poignant these last few weeks as everyone's normal has be...